Information security risks are growing constantly, and organizations must have the appropriate measures and tools in place to manage the security of their networks. The threat landscape is evolving and impacting organization’s ability to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their information assets.
Implementing standards such as ISO 27001 and SOC2 helps you meet the information security requirements as well as laws such as the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and NIS (Network and Information Systems) Regulations. This helps reduce the costs associated with data breaches. Other benefits of certification include:
- Increased attack resilience;
- Reduced information security costs;
- Greater information protection, regardless of what format it is in;
- Improved response to evolving security threats;
- Strong company culture developed towards information security;
- Helps meet contractual obligations when tendering for new business;
- Business and Marketing Benefits: When potential customers are researching suppliers, ISO27001 certification highlights a firm’s credibility and commitment to InfoSec.
To get a better understanding of ISO27001 and SOC2 Governance, please fill out this form and request a free copy of the book The Entropy Police: Practicing Information Security in the Enterprise by author Richard A. Guida, CISSP